Saturday, January 30, 2010

Overcoming Insecurities by Beth Moore

Today I am suggesting more than personal blogging.  If you are a woman that is insecure about something (be honest), you might enjoy the next 3 month journey Beth Moore is providing with her new book, "Overcoming Insecurities".  This book goes on sale Tues. Feb 2nd.  You can also go to her Simulcast website and order on line if you prefer. 

If you plan on ordering the book, you might click on her blog, to determine if you would like to participate in her on-line blog study.  In a nutshell, we will read about 2 chapters of the book then she will throw out a couple of questions for us to answer each week through comments on the blog.   Our answers will be compiled and she will use this as a teaching tool for the Simulcast April 24th.  She does not use names so don't be afraid the world will find out all your hidden secrets.  (like I do)   This study (on-line forum)  isn't really a Bible Study as her previous.  But I thought some of you might be interested in participating.

To sign up for the Simulcast Apr. 24th, which will occur just as we wrap up what we have studied on line, go to her Simulcast page and click on find a "Host Church" By no means must you participate in the on line forum to be able to go the Simulcast.  The Simulcast will stand alone all on it's own but the on line forum is just an added bonus.

She will be appearing live at the First Baptist Church Woodstock GA for the Simulcast.  Yes, Debrah and Vickie I am so jealous.   NOT! 

For Christmas this year, I gave Marli the book (pre-ordered with delivery set up sometime after Feb. 2nd).   I also contacted a church near her (3 1/2 miles) and purchased her a ticket for the Simulcast.  I love Mapquest!    I will be attending at Gladeville Baptist Church and thought it would be so much fun for us to attend together, sort of.  She will be in NC and I will be in TN.  I am now living an answered prayer and do not for 1 minute forget Who made it all possible.